Announcement: ITCQF Exam Sales Soar to 50% Year-Over-Year Growth

A graphic with text on it "The increase in the number of people earning our certification, which reflects the growing significance of these skills in the technological world of today, makes us proud"

In the past two years, the number of people who have completed the ITCQF’s technical writing exam has significantly increased. With the number of people who passed the exam increasing by about 50% from the previous year, this rise has been significant. This increase is evidence of the rising need for people with strong technical writing abilities.


ITCQF’s President, Dawid Górny, says that “The increase in the number of people earning our certification, which reflects the growing significance of these skills in the technological world of today, makes us proud. We at ITCQF are committed to provide the best education and certification possibilities, and this development only serves to inspire us to keep raising the bar.”


The importance of concise and clear communication in technical documentation is growing as technology advances. Through its proper technical writing exam, ITCQF is at the forefront of certifying and recognizing people with technical writing skills.


In conclusion, the significant increase in the number of people who have completed the ITCQF technical writing exam is evidence that the value of technical writing abilities is rising within the industry. Under the direction of President Dawid Górny, the organization is prepared to take on the challenges of the future and remains dedicated to offering the best chances for certification and education.


About ITCQF® (

The International Technical Communication Qualifications Foundation (ITCQF®) is a comprehensive technical communication certification program developed in cooperation with recognized techcomm experts, and based on existing international standards. The program is designed to facilitate the learning process for aspiring technical communicators, as well as to supplement and organize the knowledge of already experienced techcomm specialists. Ultimately, ITCQF® provides a means to standardize the terminology, processes and best practices used by professionals across the world in different organizations.

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