The International Technical Communication Qualifications Foundation (ITCQF®) established Digital Accessibility Working Group to work on a syllabus focused on software and documents accessible to all users.
The Digital Accessibility Working Group has started preparing materials for the Digital Accessibility training and certification program. It is a brand new stream in the ITCQF® scheme.
Radoslaw Smilgin, co-author: “I’m happy to be a part of a new group focused strictly on digital accessibility. Our goal is to respond to high demand on the market to support individuals who require assistance for their disabilities. We have teamed up with experts in the area to cover not only web, but also to address fundamental topics related to mobile, desktop, wearables and embedded applications’ accessibility. And since we are part of the techcomm family we will also present rules applying to digital documentation. First, we plan to develop a scheme that creates the foundation and understanding of software that actually provides support to people with any kind of special needs. We are aware that accessibility is a priority for many governments, but we look at it from people’s perspective. Accessible software can really help in the daily struggles of all users. There is still insufficient knowledge in applying appropriate solutions in the field of web and non-web accessible software and documents. We are planning to build an advanced training program that will form a framework to support the understanding of critical aspects of designing and verifying easy-to-use and supportive software.”
The first version of the syllabi and exam is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2021.
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